Artist Ali Hassaan

Ali Hassaan

(علي حسان)

egyptian contemporary artist

فنان معاصر
أستاذ بكلية الفنون الجميلة قسم الرسم
مقرها القاهرة والأقصر

Professor at faculty of fine arts
based in cairo and luxor

With his large oil paintings and soft pastel/charcoal drawings, Ali Hassaan (علي حسان) shares stories from his homeland, capturing the essence of its traditions, landscapes, and people. His works are predominantly showcased on large-format canvases, often presented as triptychs or diptychs. Additionally, he employs colored paper as a medium, utilizing oil paints, soft chalk, and charcoal to convey the vibrant colors and melancholic undertones of Egypt.

Hassaan’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in his careful selection of colors and mastery of painting techniques. He takes the initiative to mix his own colors and constantly explores new painting methods. As a result, his artistry is characterized by its thoughtful precision, leaving no aspect overlooked or unconsidered. The viewer is drawn in by the captivating allure of his paintings and can immerse themselves in the multitude of intricately crafted details.

POORLY MADE - Curiosity - 1 (The Carb) 2023 | Charcoal, soft pastel on paper | 93,5 cm x 67,5 cm
POORLY MADE - Curiosity - 2 (Poisonous Butterfly) 2023 | Charcoal, soft pastel on paper | 93,5 cm x 67,5 cm
POORLY MADE - Temptation - 1 2023 | Charcoal, soft pastel on paper | 93,5 cm x 67,5 cm

Through his artistic expressions, Ali Hassaan allows us to experience the magnificence and depth of Egypt’s culture. He provides a window into the traditions, landscapes, and emotions of his people. Each stroke of his brush or application of his chosen medium serves to tell a story, capturing the viewer’s imagination and inviting them to explore the rich tapestry of Egypt’s heritage.

In 2018, Ali Hassaan’s art was included in the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo.

على سيد عبده حسان

Ali Hassaan (علي حسان) impresses with large-format oil paintings as well as pastel and charcoal drawings that tell stories from his homeland. His works reflect the essence of Egyptian traditions, landscapes, and people. He often uses large canvases, presented as triptychs or diptychs, as well as colored paper as a medium. By combining oil, soft pastels, and charcoal, he captures the vibrant colors and melancholic undertones of Egypt.

His paintings are characterized by exceptional technical precision and attention to detail. Hassaan mixes his own colors and continuously experiments with new painting techniques to enhance the expressive power of his works. His meticulous handling of color and materials lends his creations impressive depth and durability.

Hassaan’s works address modern concepts and challenges facing individuals in their immediate surroundings while extending these themes to a global context. His paintings invite viewers to ask questions and actively engage with the presented content.

Typical elements of his compositions include symbols that are integrated into the artwork to add deeper layers of meaning. Light sources, often diffuse and without a clearly defined origin, create a mysterious atmosphere. Saturated colors and versatile techniques enhance the emotional impact of his pieces.

Through this combination of elements, Hassaan creates a connection between the familiar and the unfamiliar. His motifs—often recognizable objects or scenes—are placed in new contexts, generating a blend of wonder and visual passion. This challenges viewers to engage with his works more deeply and invites a dialogue that is both direct and subtly conveyed.

His paintings are not only aesthetic experiences but also windows into the cultural diversity of Egypt. Each piece tells a story deeply rooted in the traditions, landscapes, and emotions of his homeland. Hassaan masterfully conveys these impressions through his art, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in Egypt’s rich cultural tapestry.

POORLY MADE - Temptation - 1 2023 | Charcoal, soft pastel on paper | 93,5 cm x 67,5 cm
POORLY MADE - Curiosity - 1 (The Carb) 2023 | Charcoal, soft pastel on paper | 93,5 cm x 67,5 cm
POORLY MADE - Curiosity - 2 (Poisonous Butterfly) 2023 | Charcoal, soft pastel on paper | 93,5 cm x 67,5 cm

A central concern for Hassaan is the longevity of his artwork. For him, the quality of materials and techniques is crucial to ensuring that his creations endure across generations. He emphasizes that even a beautiful painting loses its value if inferior materials or flawed color compositions are used. Such issues can lead to rapid deterioration and compromise the artistic integrity of the work.

With his focus on technical perfection and traditional craftsmanship, Hassaan aims to preserve the authenticity of his creations. He draws on the long-standing tradition of Egyptian art, spanning from antiquity to the present. His meticulous approach ensures that his works captivate not only contemporary audiences but also future generations.

A significant milestone in Hassaan’s career was the inclusion of his works in the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo in 2018. His pieces have also been featured in numerous solo exhibitions in Egypt and group exhibitions across the Arab world and Europe.

His works are part of significant collections, including the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo, the Nile Museum in Aswan, the Fine Arts Sector in Egypt, the British Embassy in Cairo, and collections of governmental and non-governmental organizations and banks in Egypt. Additionally, his art is featured in private and cultural collections in the Arab world and Europe.

With his unique paintings and his focus on craftsmanship and cultural authenticity, Ali Hassaan invites viewers to rediscover the depth and richness of Egyptian art.

In 2018, Ali Hassaan’s art was included in the Museum of Modern Art in Cairo.

على سيد عبده حسان